In a distressing incident that unfolded in Parteen, Dr Bunbury, the esteemed Bishop of Limerick, and his ailing wife found themselves in the midst of a harrowing and seemingly unprovoked attack on Wednesday evening. As they journeyed in their carriage, they were thrust into a moment of terror that sent ripples of concern throughout the region.
The unfortunate encounter transpired as the couple’s carriage rumbled past a local blacksmith’s forge. It was there that they noticed an assembly of five individuals loitering outside the establishment. What followed was an unsettling turn of events that would leave the Bishop and his wife shaken to their core.
Approximately 50 yards beyond the blacksmith’s forge, an object, later identified as a stone, hurtled through the air. The projectile, presumably launched by one of the men gathered outside the forge, came perilously close to Mrs Bunbury, causing her to recoil in alarm before it found its final resting place beneath the carriage’s wheels. The gravity of the situation was immediately apparent to the Bishop and his wife, who promptly made their way back to Limerick.
Upon their return, Dr Bunbury wasted no time in alerting the local authorities to this alarming incident. The wheels of justice were set in motion, and an investigation was swiftly launched to ascertain the identity of the individuals responsible for the unnerving attack. As of now, no arrests have been made in connection with the case, leaving the community in a state of apprehension and uncertainty.
The news of this shocking occurrence has ignited a groundswell of indignation across various segments of society. People from all walks of life have united in their condemnation of this audacious and heartless act. The community at large eagerly anticipates the outcome of the ongoing investigation, yearning for swift justice to be meted out to those behind this inexplicable outburst of malice.
In a world where respect for one another and reverence for individuals of standing are deeply ingrained values, the attack on Bishop Bunbury and his vulnerable wife has shaken the very foundations of societal norms. As the investigation unfolds, the eyes of Limerick and County Clare remain fixed on this distressing incident, seeking not only answers but also a reaffirmation of the principles of empathy and decency that should underpin our interactions as a society.
Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Saturday 06 July 1901