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Limerick Gathers Support for Irish Parliamentary Fund and Enjoys Local Events | Limerick Archives

Limerick Gathers Support for Irish Parliamentary Fund and Enjoys Local Events

The Parliamentary Fund.

The time has now come for the annual collection in Limerick in aid of the Irish Parliamentary Fund. Last year, a sum of over £300 was contributed spontaneously, and there is no reason why even a larger sum should not be sent to headquarters this time. The priests and people of Cork have set a good example, and Limerick must not lag behind.

Splendid work has been done by the Irish Party during the past twelve months, and the city’s member, Alderman Joyce, has done one man’s work in and out of Parliament. His two speaking tours amongst the Irish in England, in December and again last March, must have done much for the National cause in Britain, and there can be no doubt that his constituents in Limerick when called upon will subscribe cheerfully and generously to the Parliamentary Fund.

St. John’s Hospital.

It was decided at the last meeting of the Managing Committee of St. John’s Hospital to hold a grand Fete next year in aid of the funds of that most useful institution. It is regrettable that the hospital should be deeply in debt. A vast amount of good work is done within its walls, considering its limited income. Limerick without St. John’s Hospital would be unable to cope with sickness and suffering, and many poor patients would ask in vain for the attention which the good nuns provide within its airy wards.

An institution which so well deserves popular support must not suffer for lack of funds. In the interval between this and the opening of the Fete, the citizens should keep in mind the strong claims of the hospital, and many will assist the Committee in the labourious task of making due preparation for what may prove one of the most successful enterprises of its kind, which has been known in recent years.

Limerick Post Office.

Three weeks ago, I drew attention to the mismanagement in the sorting arrangements at Limerick Post Office, and on Sunday night (June 2nd) the evil assumed an aggravated form. Not only were the pockets of scurrying mail carriers stuffed with letters, but bags of them were being borne through the streets at the stroke of eleven to catch the mail. Then, on former occasions, two officials had to be sent to the Junction in order to assist with the work, which, with a full staff, might have been finished in proper time. I have refrained from referring to these and other glaring defects in the working of the local post office in the hope that a change for the better would be effected. But, so far as the ill-used citizens are concerned, there is no visible improvement.

Limerick County Council.

The co-option on the Limerick County Council of Mr M. Condon, Ballylanders, who was nominated last Saturday by the East Limerick Executive of the U.I.L., is another proof of the power of the League in the county. Lord Emly was only defeated by one vote, with Mr John Coleman and other prominent members of the national organization voting for him on the principle that the labourers should be given some direct representative on the Council.

When his lordship was set up in opposition to Mr James, who was selected by the League, it was the duty of those who are in sympathy with it to support Mr James. But it would have been quite another thing to co-opt Lord Emly as an act of grace, and many independent members of the Council would have been pleased to see him chosen.

A Pleasant Function.

A pleasant little function took place this afternoon at five o’clock, when the Mayor, Aldermen, Councillors, corporate officials, and Pressmen who attended the opening of the Cork Exhibition were photographed in the picturesque grounds by Councillor Ralph Nash, Corbally. All were most hospitably entertained by Mr and Mrs. Ralph Nash.

Alderman O’Mara, in the absence of the Mayor, who was compelled to leave, proposed a warm vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs. Nash for their thorough Irish hospitality. Councillor Nash was known to be one of the most sociable gentlemen in Limerick and had distinguished himself since his entrance to the Corporation as an able councillor. He responded in a few happy phrases.

Subsequently, Messrs. A. Baldwin, W.S. Burke, G. Harris, O’Connell, and Cashin spoke on behalf of the Press. Alderman McNeice and Councillor O’Duddihy supported the health of Alderman O’Brien, whose response brought a very enjoyable afternoon to a close.

Limerick Pipers’ Club.

Actuated, probably, by the knowledge that winter is with us still—it rained today for seven hours end, and the thermometer stands at 50 or so—the Limerick Pipers’ Club continues the activities which made the long nights pass pleasantly. Members not only learn to speak and write the glorious old Gaelic language but are also afforded opportunities of securing the mastery of the Irish pipes and the intricacies of step-dancing. Mr Joseph Halpin’s classes in the last-named accomplishment have been most successful, and the club in its first season has achieved noteworthy success. Classes are held on Wednesday and Friday evenings at the Quay Lane Christian Schools, and they are well attended by painstaking pupils.

Master Joseph O’Downey, a youthful member, has just won the silver medal presented by the Gaelic League for the best answer in the First Book of Irish. On July 13th, the club’s excursion to Kilkee will take place and will be one of the most enjoyable outings of the year. Irish pipers from Dublin, Cork, and Galway will join the home contingent, and what with Gaelic singing and dancing, the day after the famous “Twelfth” promises to be a great one for the Gaels.

Horse Show and Races.

The Limerick Horse Show on Wednesday and Thursday next, and the Holiday Race Meeting on Friday are certain to attract immense attendances, and if the weather is at all favorable, these fixtures should prove as successful as any held in Limerick for many years.

City Slaughter Houses.

In one of the local papers published last September, there appeared a most valuable report on the slaughterhouses of the city, prepared by the late Dr Barry, whose views on large questions touching the public health of the city were always sound and sensible. Speaking as the Medical Superintendent of Public Health, after inspecting the city’s slaughterhouses, Dr Barry pointed out the absence of facilities and proper drainage in most cases and strongly recommended the establishment of an abattoir similar to those in Dublin and numerous other cities and towns in Great Britain.

Many of the victuallers, the report went on to state, were in favor of a public slaughterhouse because they were paying rent for disused stables and other makeshift buildings, which had none of the modern requirements necessary for cleanliness and good sanitation.

Gaelic Leaguers in Limerick.

Last Sunday, the members of the Keating Branch of the Gaelic League, Dublin, paid a visit to Limerick, and a very pleasant open-air entertainment was given to them in conjunction with many members of the local branches. A platform was erected in the People’s Park, and here an enthusiastic crowd enjoyed Irish songs and dances while the No. 1 National Brass Band (conductor, Mr P. Moane) played national airs between the items. B. McMahon, Miss A. Kenny, Miss B. Moran, Miss A. Campbell, Miss Murphy, Mr J. Halpin, Miss C. Reidy, Miss B. Cullen, Mr Hugh O’Neill, J. Maxwell, T. Harte, M. Gorman, and P. Buckley gave songs and recitations, and Mr J.J. Jennings acted as honourary secretary to the more or less impromptu Feis.

These public exhibitions do much to help forward the Irish revival, especially amid such sympathetic surroundings as were found in Limerick last Sunday. Before returning to Dublin, the visitors were entertained by Mr T. O’Dwyer, who acted as host, at a pleasant social evening, which was followed by a reunion of members from both branches of the Gaelic League. The proceedings concluded with the singing by all of “A Nation Once Again.”

Northants Evening Telegraph – Saturday 21 June 1902

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