A collection of news and observations from the vibrant city of Limerick, Ireland. In this column, our correspondent shares the latest comicalities and intriguing developments that are taking place in the local government, cultural events, and everyday life. Delve into the witticisms and peculiarities of Limerick as we explore the amusing situations and thought-provoking issues that unfold in this lively city. Join us as we unravel the tales and experiences that make Limerick a captivating place to be.
It is a great shame that Gilbert and Sullivan have not immortalized our Irish Local Government comic opera. The Admiralty can’t compare to it. There are questions asked in Dublin that would keep the world laughing for generations if they were turned into sparkling verse and set to lively music. The latest example is simply delightful. Despite the overwhelming vote of the guardians, the Limerick Workhouse appointed three visiting doctors for a meager salary. Now, the naive L.G.B. writes to know if these doctors will resign their other well-paying positions to accept half of their current salary. It’s like asking medical professionals to give up £100 a year for a £50 position! The Solons of the Custom House seem to think that half a loaf is better than a whole one. By the way, it’s worth noting that the doctors in Galway have agreed not to accept less than £200 a year for their appointments. Why should Limerick be a center of exploitation while the doctors in Dublin are well-paid and not overworked? The poor will suffer from such penny-pinching, and the ratepayers are against it.
The actions of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction regarding the secretaryship of the County Limerick Committee reveal a petty and contemptible mindset. Earlier this year, Mr James Coleman was elected as secretary by a representative committee. Although he proved satisfactory in his role, the Department was not content. They examined him in Dublin and sent a letter to the committee stating that he was unfit for the position and requesting another appointment. However, the committee, believing Mr Coleman to be capable despite his initial inexperience, decided to retain him. A compromise was reached, allowing him to continue until the end of the year, at which point a “competent person” would be appointed. Last month, Mr Coleman was unanimously reelected after gaining experience and receiving high praise from impartial members. However, the dreaded “Department” was adamant. At a recent committee meeting, a letter was read stating that the appointment of Mr Coleman was a breach of faith, and unless another person was appointed, all correspondence and arrangements regarding livestock or technical instruction schemes would be halted. Some members pointed out that the Department only stated that they could not currently sanction Coleman, and the committee did not commit to appointing another person but rather a “competent person,” which they believed Mr Coleman had become after gaining experience. It is worth noting that Mr Coleman’s father, Mr John Coleman, Chairman of the Croom District Council, is a prominent Nationalist who has expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of the Department.
A serious complaint was made on Wednesday about a reporter’s inability to attend the important conference on calf mortality held in the County Council Chamber. It would have been desirable for such proceedings to be reported, but whose fault was it that they were not? On Wednesday, there were six engagements attended by pressmen: the Lunatic Asylum at 10:30, the County Council at 11:15, the Guardians and the County Technical Committee (a mile apart) at 12, the Direct Labour Inquiry at 12:30, and the Calf Mortality at 1 o’clock. With two or sometimes three events happening simultaneously, it was impossible for journalists, even when dividing the work, to cover them all—a problem that only Boyle Roche’s bird could solve. In the future, it would be beneficial if those organizing such a multitude of meetings in a short span of time could consider the public interest reflected in the newspapers, although it may be too much to expect consideration for the reporters themselves.
The Anglo-German company awarded the contract for the electric lighting scheme threatened to claim damages from the Corporation if there were any delays due to the power house being ready while all the cables had not been laid down. However, work in the streets came to a halt due to a lack of materials on the part of the contractors. Three days ago, the footpaths in parts of George Street and Patrick Street were ripped up, causing significant inconvenience to the public. Half of the pathways are torn up, and it is impossible to walk along the streets without wading through mud. Did Mr Enright, the electrical engineer, not stipulate that only a certain amount of ground should be ripped up in a day and filled in promptly afterward? Has this been done? If not, who is responsible?
It has been some time since Hugh O’Neill made a notable entrance and took the world by storm, as faithfully chronicled in this column. More recently, he extended his conquest into Leinster and won fresh laurels at Kilkenny, the capital of the Confederation. Now he is about to besiege Athlone, and an easy victory is anticipated. Mr O’Neill’s famous octet has been invited by Rev. Father Forde to perform their inimitable eight-hand reel at a concert in the historic town on the upper Shannon on December 19th. It is certain that their presence will attract a large audience to the concert on that date.
The well-known London Irish football team will play a few matches during the holiday season, and one of the most anticipated fixtures will be a match against Garryowen at the Markets Field on Tuesday, December – Louis will captain the exiles, while Healy and other formidable players from the home team will make the match well worth watching. This fixture has been contemplated for two or three years, and it is finally about to happen. Let’s hope that the attendance justifies the heavy expenses incurred in bringing the London Irish team.
The eloquent series of Advent lectures on “Home,” delivered by Rev. R. Kane, B.J., are attracting large congregations at the Sacred Heart Church. Last Sunday, the subject was “Band and Tethered Ram,” and next Sunday (the 14th), the lecture will focus on “The Wife and Helpmate.” The concluding lecture will be titled “The Cradle and the Grave.” Needless to say, the lectures are followed with rapt attention each Sunday evening.
Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph – Saturday 13 December 1902