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Judge Determines Man-Eating Tiger a Public Danger. | Limerick Archives

Judge Determines Man-Eating Tiger a Public Danger.

In a recent case at the Limerick Quarter Sessions, Judge Adams heard the case of Owen O’Neill, who was proposed to be sent to the Inebriates’ Home at Ennis. O’Neill’s wife was asked her preference, stating she would not fear her husband if he promised to be quiet. Judge Adams, however, disagreed, citing evidence from the clergy, magistrates, and others that O’Neill was a danger to the public when driven to insanity by alcohol. Another man in a similar situation had been allowed to carry weapons while intoxicated, resulting in the loss of a valuable life.

Dr Laird had reported that while in prison, O’Neill’s state was dreadful, and the judge deemed him a public danger and felt justified in committing him. Judge Adams referred to O’Neill as a “man-eating tiger” who must not be allowed to roam free. O’Neill argued that he would take a three-year pledge if released, but the judge decided to put him back in custody and consult with others in determining what to do next.

In separate news, a millionaire, Mr Alfred Beit, is reportedly in grave condition, having had an apoplectic stroke and is said to be dying. Dr Jameson and Abe Bailey have taken a special train to Johannesburg to see Beit after receiving news of his critical state.

Kerry News – Monday 12 January 1903

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