Abbeyfeale, Friday—Yesterday at the Abbeyfeale Convent of Mercy, a solemn profession of a nun took place. Miss Mary Liston, daughter of Mr Patrick T. Liston of Rathkeale, was professed into the Mercy Order in the Convent Chapel. Monsignor Hallinen, D.D., P.P, from Newcastle West, presided over the ceremony. Other clergy members present included Rev. W. Casey, P.P., Abbeyfeale; Rev. B. L. Ambrose, C.C., Abbeyfeale; Rev. T. Liston, Killineady; Rev. M. O’Donnell, PP, Kilkee; Rev. J. Connolly, C.C., Kilkee; Rev. X. Irvin, P.P., Castlemahon; and many others from surrounding areas.
A large gathering of friends, guests, and family members attended the event. Among them were Mary Liston’s father, J. Liston, her uncles, Terence J. Liston, solicitor from Tralee; and J. Liston from Ommahon. Her aunts, cousins, and siblings were also present.
Numerous other guests from Rathkeale and neighboring towns attended to mark this special occasion. The Abbeyfeale Convent of Mercy has a long tradition of serving the needs of the local community and providing education, spiritual guidance, and support to the people of Abbeyfeale and its surrounding areas. The solemn profession of Miss Mary Liston into the Mercy Order symbolizes her lifelong commitment to serve God and the community.
Kerry News – Monday 04 May 1903