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"Tragic Train Accident Near Limerick Takes Life of Distraught Man" | Limerick Archives

“Tragic Train Accident Near Limerick Takes Life of Distraught Man”

A harrowing incident occurred late Thursday night as the train from Tralee approached Limerick, resulting in the tragic death of a local man. The train’s stoker witnessed a man, later identified as Timothy Galvin of Railway Road, deliberately placing himself on the permanent way directly in the path of the oncoming engine. Despite the crew’s efforts, the train ran over Galvin, causing fatal injuries.

At the inquest held yesterday, it was revealed that the 30-year-old, unmarried Galvin was suffering from severe mental distress, likely the result of a recent medical operation. The jury expressed their sympathies for the victim’s bereaved family and friends, as the community grapples with the unexpected loss of a fellow Limerick citizen under such devastating circumstances.

Kerry News – Monday 25 May 1903

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