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Important Notices Regarding Court Proceedings and Applications | Limerick Archives

Important Notices Regarding Court Proceedings and Applications

Several important announcements have been issued regarding legal matters and court proceedings at the County Court House in Limerick. Individuals involved in civil cases, disputes, and various applications are urged to take note of the following instructions:

  1. Filing of Cases: Parties involved in civil suits, executions, defences, and other cases scheduled for hearings must submit their documents to the Crown and Peace Office at the County Court House in Limerick. These submissions must be made either in person or by post before 4 o’clock pm, at least two clear days before the commencement of the respective court sessions. It is essential to exclude certain holidays (Sunday, Christmas Day, St. Stephen’s Day, day after St. Stephen’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Whit Monday, and King’s Birthday) from the calculation of these two days.
  2. Requisitions and Fees: Requests for the entry of cases must be made separately from those for defences and should be free from alterations. Requisitions (Form No. 23) must be accompanied by the appropriate fee in the form of affixed stamps for the Clerk of Crown and Peace’s fees. These requisitions, along with the required documentation, should be handed in with Form No. 22.
  3. Process Officers: Process officers are not allowed to fill or cause the filling of any civil bills. Their primary role is to serve civil bills and, if necessary, civil bill ejectments within the designated division for which they are appointed.
  4. Service of Civil Bills: It is crucial for individuals to provide civil bills to the process officers within a reasonable time before the last day of service for each court session. Failure to do so may absolve the process officers of any responsibility for the service.
  5. Jury Attendance: Individuals summoned as jurors for the Grand and Long Parcels are required to be punctual in their attendance. Non-attendance without a valid reason when the panels are called may result in fines, which will be strictly enforced unless sufficient cause is shown and verified by affidavit.
  6. Crown Witnesses: Witnesses in cases involving the Crown must be present at 10 o’clock am on the first day dedicated to Crown business during each court session.
  7. Transmission of Papers: According to the 19th Section of the 14th and 15th Victoria, cap. 93, magistrates and clerks of petty sessions are obligated to transmit their papers in criminal and appeal cases to the Clerk of the Crown and Peace within seven days after the conclusion of each petty session.
  8. Spirit License Applications: Applicants for spirit licenses must serve notices to the Clerk of the Crown and Peace, the two nearest magistrates, and the District Inspector of Constabulary (or Head Constable, if the former is absent) at least 21 clear days before the division’s sessions where the applications will be heard. Additionally, a notice conforming to the requirements of the applicable Acts must be inserted or advertised in a local newspaper circulating in the area where the premises are located.
  9. Fair Rent Applications: Applicants lodging notices to fix fair rents under Section 30 of the Land Law (Ireland) Act 1887 must provide three copies of the notice to the Clerk of the Crown and Peace. This ensures that the court valuer receives one copy.
  10. Ejectment Applications: In cases of ejectment for non-payment of rents, applicants must serve a notice of application, along with a schedule detailing their assets and general indebtedness, upon the solicitor for the plaintiff at least nine days before the relevant Civil Bill Court session. A copy of the notice and schedule must also be delivered to the Clerk of the Crown and Peace four days before

Limerick Echo – Tuesday 19 January 1904

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