A heated dispute has arisen at Messrs. Spaight’s Saw Mills, highlighting tensions between the management and workers. The conflict originated when a lawyer was terminated due to a lack of available work. Subsequently, several other employees refused to operate the machinery, citing directives from their labour union. As a result, these individuals were let go from their positions.
Efforts were made to resolve the issue through negotiations. A delegation of workers expressed their willingness to operate the vacant machines, demonstrating a potential breakthrough. However, it has been reported that this group failed to appear for work on Monday and Tuesday, forcing the company to hire alternative personnel to fulfill the tasks at hand.
The exact reasons for the workers’ absence remain unclear, raising concerns about the continuity of operations at the saw mills. The management at Messrs. Spaight’s had hoped for a resolution and the cooperation of the workforce in order to maintain productivity and meet production demands.
The trade dispute has created a challenging situation for both the company and the affected workers. Further discussions and efforts to bridge the gap between the two sides may be necessary to achieve a mutually beneficial resolution and restore harmony in the workplace.
Limerick Echo – Tuesday 19 January 1904