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Tender Notice: Supply of Goods to Croom Union Workhouse, Including Brandy And Coffins | Limerick Archives

Tender Notice: Supply of Goods to Croom Union Workhouse, Including Brandy And Coffins

The Board of Guardians of Croom Union is seeking tenders for the supply of various goods to the workhouse, free of carriage, for a six-month period ending on September 30, 1904. As part of the required items, the Union is specifically requesting tenders for the provision of coffins for both adults and children under the age of 15. These coffins should be constructed using solid material, without any knots or shakes, and should be well-jointed and painted. The pricing for the coffins should be provided individually as part of the tender submission. Interested parties are invited to submit their tenders on or before the specified date.

The Board of Guardians of Croom Union also invites tenders for the supply of various goods to the workhouse, free of carriage, for a period of six months until the 30th of September. The required items are as follows:

  1. Best bakers’ flour per ton
  2. Best rice flour per sack
  3. Best oatmeal per sack
  4. Best American bacon (Wright’s widdles), not exceeding 18lbs per cwt
  5. Best Irish bacon branded Limerick, with curer’s name, per lb
  6. Best beef per lb in half-quarters, including beef for tea off the round
  7. Best mutton per lb in sides, weighing not less than 36lbs and not exceeding 42lbs, free from suet

Note: The decision regarding the quality of the supplied wheat, as determined by the Medical Officer and Master of the Workhouse, will be final. Deliveries must be made before 9:30 each morning, or the Master will purchase meat from an alternate supplier, with the cost charged to the contractor.

Additionally, tenders will be received on the same day for the following items, to be supplied to the workhouse, free of carriage, preferably of Irish manufacture, for a period of twelve months until 31st March 1905:

  1. Tea at 1s 8d per lb
  2. Coffee at 2s per lb
  3. Soft sugar per cwt
  4. Best Malakoff shell cocoa, 10 cases per cwt
  5. Rice and pepper at 1d per lb
  6. Hennessy’s brandy per bottle
  7. Best port and sherry wine per 4oz
  8. Cork-brewed Porter per dozen bottles
  9. Whiskey at 18s per gallon, sourced from the following firms: Walker’s, Cork Distillery, Persse’s, Powers, Sinclair’s
  10. Best gin per bottle
  11. Bewley and Draper’s table water per dozen
  12. Salt per cwt
  13. Composite candles per dozen lbs
  14. Firelights per dozen packages
  15. Best arrowroot per lb
  16. Arrowroot biscuits (in tins) per lb
  17. Best almond biscuits per lb
  18. Best Irish soap (manufacturer’s brand to be mentioned)
  19. Best carbolic soap per lb
  20. Irish starch per lb
  21. Washing soda per cwt
  22. Ball blue per lb
  23. Fresh eggs (every eighth to weigh 1lb) per dozen
  24. Royal Daylight petroleum per gallon (empty barrels to be returned to the contractors)
  25. Best butter per lb
  26. Chickens per lb
  27. Paver and crab-head nails per 1,000
  28. Carpenters’ nails (different sizes) per lb
  29. Nate’s upper sole and insole leather per lb
  30. Wooden pegs per lb
  31. Tips per dozen
  32. Any other necessary shoe findings
  33. Coffins for adults and children under 15 years of age, made of solid material, free from knots and shakes, well jointed and painted, priced individually
  34. Best tobacco and snuff per lb, cut and weighed into ounces
  35. Cleaning the workhouse chimneys
  36. Glazing the workhouse windows per pane

The contract will be awarded to the successful tenderer, subject to approval. All tenders must be submitted by the specified date.

Limerick Echo – Tuesday 22 March 1904

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