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Limerick No 1 Rural District Council Invites Tenders for Labourers' Cottages Construction | Limerick Archives

Limerick No 1 Rural District Council Invites Tenders for Labourers’ Cottages Construction

Limerick, May 7, 1904 – The members of the Limerick No 1 Rural District Council have announced that they will be accepting tenders for the construction of several labourers’ cottages. This opportunity will be discussed and bids will be received during the council’s meeting at the City Dispensary on Saturday, May 7, 1904.

The construction work must adhere strictly to the specifications provided by the Council’s Engineer. The detailed specifications can be obtained from the Engineer’s offices located at 10 Glentworth Street.

The following is a list of the electoral divisions and the corresponding number of cottages to be built:

  • Ballycummins (Electoral Division 13): 60 cottages
  • Ballysimon (Electoral Division 13): 87 cottages
  • Knockbrien (Electoral Division 14): 97 cottages
  • Lisswoullane (Electoral Division 14): 138 cottages
  • Grange (Electoral Division 14): 211 acres
  • Caberconlish West (Electoral Division 14): 203 acres
  • Porterushar (Electoral Division 1): 3,244 cottages

Interested parties are required to submit tenders that include the names of two solvent sureties. The tenders must be lodged at the City Dispensary no later than 12 o’clock noon on the specified day. The envelope should be clearly marked on the outside as “Building Cottage.” Furthermore, those submitting tenders must also deposit the sum of £1 with each tender at the Clerk’s Office. This amount will be refunded upon the completion of the contract.

Please note that the Council reserves the right to accept or reject the lowest or any tender as they deem appropriate.

For further information or inquiries, interested parties are requested to contact H.J. Guinanxne, Clerk of the Council.

Limerick Echo – Tuesday 03 May 1904

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