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Triumph of the Thomond Feis: A Celebration of Irish Culture in Limerick | Limerick Archives

Triumph of the Thomond Feis: A Celebration of Irish Culture in Limerick

The Thomond Feis has concluded with great success, leaving the people of Limerick filled with pride. From the young boys and girls participating in the inter-school competitions to seasoned veterans showcasing traditional singing and storytelling, the spirit of the Irish Revival shone brightly in every participant’s eyes. The determination to preserve the language and heritage before it is too late was evident at every turn.

Both the city and the countryside competed fervently to uphold the principles of the Gaelic League in a practical manner. In fact, some rural areas surpassed expectations, with Rathkeale securing numerous prizes despite being a relatively new branch of the league. Prizes even reached far-flung places like Liverpool, while historic Clare made a notable impact in several competitions.

The Dublin-based Columbeulle Branch made a significant presence, bringing a strong contingent of participants to the Sunday event, which attracted an impressive crowd of around six thousand people in the markets. The remarkable success achieved by the Feis served as a well-deserved reward for the joint committee of the Limerick and Sarsteld branches, who put in tremendous effort to organize the event.

Special recognition must be given to Mr Joseph Purcell of Lunenck, who played a pivotal role in gathering information for the press and ensuring that the achievements of the Feis were well-documented and celebrated. The tireless dedication of all involved has contributed to the preservation and revitalization of Irish culture, securing a brighter future for the language and traditions.

Dublin Evening Telegraph – Saturday 02 July 1904

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