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Croom Fair: A Historical Gathering of Buyers | Limerick Archives

Croom Fair: A Historical Gathering of Buyers

Croom, Limerick County – On the 1st of the month, the long-established Croom Fair took place, attracting buyers from Limerick, Cork, Dublin, Tipperary, and various other regions. The demand for cattle destined for the English market was high, but unfortunately, like many previous fairs held in Croom, the supply fell short of requirements. It remains puzzling why this is the case, considering Croom’s central location within Limerick County, making it an ideal venue for such gatherings. With train lines passing within a short distance of the fairground and wagons readily available, accessibility is not an issue. However, despite the eager buyers present, the limited stock resulted in naturally inflated prices.

The market witnessed a significant number of springers, given the abundant supply of hay and aftergrass. Approximately 50 springers were available, fetching prices ranging from £10 10s to £14 10s. Milch cows were scarce, and the few exhibited were of mediocre quality, commanding prices ranging from £7 to £9. Only around 20 milch cows were present in the market. Strippers, too, were in short supply, and their prices exceeded those of other local fairs. Approximately 30 strippers were sold, realizing prices ranging from £8 10s to £12.

Beef, which had a relatively large supply, was sold at an average of £15 per hundredweight. Old cows garnered a good demand, selling for £4 10s to £6 10s, and a fair number of them were available. Dry stock, in general, was scarce, with three-year-olds selling for £8 10s to £11, two-year-olds fetching £6 to £8, and yearlings, of which there were quite a few, being purchased for £4 to £6 each. Calves were reasonably abundant, averaging from £3 17s 6d to £4 10s, with very few remaining unsold. Among all cattle, bulls were the most plentiful, and Mr P. O’Callaghan acquired several wagons at prices ranging from £6 10s to £9 10s, leaving none unsold.

Sheep were moderately available, with prices ranging from 5s 3d to 6d per pound. Ewes sold for 23s to 33s each, while wethers were priced between 32s 6d and 40s. Boahams were also abundant, realizing prices from 21s to 25s, and stores ranged from 26s to 20s, with few remaining unsold.

In the Limerick markets, various commodities were traded. Barley, retailing at 3s 6d per sack for patents, and oatmeal, priced at £11 12s per ton, were among the notable items. Butter prices ranged from 48s to 50s for good salt butter, 46s to 48s for medium quality and 44s to 46s for inferior grades. Lump sugar fetched prices between 8d and 10d per pound. Hay and straw comprised 56 loads of hay and 2 loads of vaten straw, with rye hay priced at £4 2s to £8 10s per ton and upland hay ranging from 30s to 40s per ton. Oats straw was sold for 35s 6d to 40s per ton.

Eggs were traded at prices of 10d to 11d per dozen for duck eggs and 10d to 11d per dozen for hen eggs. Potatoes were abundant, with 45 loads being sold at prices ranging from 43s to 61s per stone. Poultry prices were set at 3s 3d to 3s 6d per pair for chickens and 2s 4d to 3s for ducks.

Limerick Echo – Tuesday 06 September 1904

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