Following the renowned Blarney Stone, the Treaty Stone of Limerick holds a prominent place as one of Ireland’s most well-known objects. According to tradition, it was upon this stone that the historic Treaty of Limerick was signed by General Sarsfield in 1691. For generations, the rugged stone block resided on the Clare shore of the Shannon near Thomond Bridge. In 1865, a Mayor of Limerick placed it on a pedestal adorned with a Latin inscription. Unfortunately, the Treaty Stone has recently suffered from the actions of vandals who sought to possess fragments of it.
To safeguard this important relic from further diminishment, there are plans to enclose it with a protective railing. It is suspected that some individuals who have removed pieces of the stone were motivated by motives other than reverence, as fragments of the relic have long held marketable value, particularly in America.
Portsmouth Evening News – Monday 10 October 1904