Limerick, November 24th, 1905 – The recent devastating earthquakes in Calabria have sent shockwaves of horror across the globe as the extent of the catastrophe becomes clearer. The calamity has left an entire nation, a whole people, suddenly homeless in the blink of an eye. The destitution faced by these unfortunate souls is amplified by the onset of winter, with the loss of homes and livelihoods rendering them vulnerable to the harsh elements. In response to the desperate call for aid from the Calabrian Bishops, even the Holy Father himself has passionately endorsed the plea for assistance. In light of this urgent need, prompted by the Bishop’s proposal during the District Nursing Association meeting, an appeal is being made by a coalition of charitable organizations. Led by the President of the Council and Presidents of the Conferences of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, the plea seeks to rally support for the afflicted Italian peasants. Every small contribution can collectively make a significant difference, offering vital relief to those grappling with homelessness and starvation. Generous individuals are urged to extend their helping hand by offering contributions to any of the individuals listed below. Their collective efforts have the potential to alleviate the suffering of those caught in the aftermath of this tragic earthquake.

Signatories of the Appeal:
- JAMES QUIN, President of the Council
- JOHN DYUNDON, President St Joseph’s Conference
- STEPHEN McCARTHY, President St John’s Conference
- WILLIAM LLOYD, President of St Michael’s Conference
Limerick Echo – Tuesday 28 November 1905