In a highly anticipated attempt to make history, Mr Daimer Leslie Allen, a daring aviator hailing from Limerick, embarked on a daring journey to fly across the Irish Channel. The ambitious flight aimed to connect Holyhead to Phoenix Park in Dublin, captivating the attention of onlookers in both cities. However, as the day unfolded, disappointment loomed over Dublin, with Mr Allen’s monoplane conspicuously absent from the skies.
Mr Allen, having meticulously prepared for months at Hendon, took off from Chester early yesterday morning, according to a Press Association telegram. His plan was to follow the London and North Western Railway line to Holyhead before venturing across the Irish Channel. The conditions appeared ideal for the flight, with a gentle breeze from the East providing favourable circumstances for the accomplished aviator.
Amidst the crowd gathered in Phoenix Park and those scanning the skies in Dublin, anticipation turned to dismay as Mr Allen failed to make his appearance. Despite the promising conditions, the monoplane’s absence led to a dwindling crowd by midday, leaving spectators and aviation enthusiasts puzzled.
Local aviator Mr Harry Ferguson, known for his experiments with aeroplanes at Madigan Strand in Co. Derry, expressed confidence in Mr Allen’s capabilities. Describing the conditions as ideal for the flight, Mr Ferguson praised Mr Allen as a courageous and careful aviator. He speculated that, at an altitude of around 2,000 feet, Mr Allen should have easily observed the Irish coast.
In an interview, Mr Ferguson highlighted the common practice among aviators to equip themselves with airbags or floats in case of an emergency landing in the sea. This safety measure, he believed, could aid Mr Allen in staying afloat until rescue, given the machine’s weight and buoyancy.
Another aviation enthusiast, currently experimenting with his aircraft, suggested that the Irish Channel might pose additional challenges compared to its English counterpart. He theorized that Mr Allen could have been carried off course by tricky currents, potentially landing north or south of the intended destination.
As the day progressed, speculation and uncertainty surrounded Mr Allen’s whereabouts. Dublin’s aviation community, including Mr Edward White, expressed bewilderment at the lack of communication regarding Mr Allen’s flight plans. Mr White, associated with the Irish Automobile and Irish Aero Clubs, stated that no prior arrangements were made for Mr Allen’s arrival or reception, adding to the mystery.
Efforts to gather information from various sources, including the Dublin Steam Trawl Company vessel Emperor, which followed the aviator’s intended route, yielded no tangible leads. The Captain of the Emperor reported no unusual sightings or occurrences during the journey.
In an exclusive interview with Mr Seymour Metford, assistant manager in London for the Bleriot Aeroplane Co., more insights into Mr Allen’s flight were revealed. Both Mr Allen and Mr Corbett Wilson, another Irish aviator, had set out on a parallel journey to be the first Irishmen to fly to Ireland on their Bleriot aeroplanes. Mr Metford shared details of Mr Allen’s takeoff from Chester, emphasizing the flawless condition of the monoplane.
As nightfall approached, concern grew among those acquainted with Mr Allen, including Mr Palmer from Inchicore, who described Mr Allen as a skilled naval architect and aviator. Despite the uncertainty surrounding his whereabouts, hopes persisted that Mr Allen had encountered unforeseen circumstances, leading him to land safely, possibly well inland.
The mystery of Mr Daimer Leslie Allen’s Channel flight hangs in the air, leaving the aviation community in Dublin and beyond eagerly awaiting any news that might shed light on the fate of the daring Limerick native.
Dublin Daily Express – Friday 19 April 1912