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Limerick Mourns Loss of Judge D. F. Browne, K.C. | Limerick Archives

Limerick Mourns Loss of Judge D. F. Browne, K.C.

Limerick, Ireland – In a sombre turn of events, the city of Limerick mourns the passing of County Court Judge D. F. Browne, K.C. The respected judge breathed his last at the Central Hotel in Tralee, succumbing to an illness that gripped him for a few weeks.

The 53-year-old Limerick native faced a sudden downturn in health after a chill struck him during the Listowel Quarter Sessions. Seeking medical attention in Tralee, Judge Browne found himself in the care of Doctors Hayes and White. Unfortunately, what initially seemed like a common cold escalated into a severe case of pneumonia, ultimately claiming his life.

Judge Browne had been a prominent figure in the legal landscape, having been appointed as the County Court Judge of Kerry in December 1909. His popularity among the public was evident, with his decisions consistently garnering widespread approval. Notably, his rulings in significant cases under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, even those reaching the Appeal Court, were consistently upheld.

Before donning the robes of a County Court Judge, Browne had carved out a successful career as a conveyancer and enjoyed a thriving Chancery practice. His legal expertise extended to serving as standing counsel to the Port and Docks Board in Dublin.

The news of Judge Browne’s demise sent shockwaves through Limerick, where he was born and raised. His legacy as a fair and competent jurist resonated not only in Limerick but throughout the legal community. Colleagues and legal professionals expressed their condolences, acknowledging the significant loss to the legal fraternity.

Survived by his brother, Rev. W. Brown, S.J., in Dublin, and his grieving wife and daughter, Judge Browne’s passing leaves a void that will be challenging to fill. His family stood by his bedside during his final moments, offering solace and companionship.

As a mark of respect and in accordance with the family’s wishes, the remains of Judge Browne were transported to Dublin via Limerick, with the interment scheduled to take place at Deans Grange Cemetery, Blackrock, on Friday.

The legal community, as well as the residents of Limerick, remember Judge D. F. Browne, K.C., as a dedicated servant of justice whose contributions will endure in the annals of the Irish legal system. The funeral rites in Limerick carry an air of collective mourning, underscoring the impact of the loss on the city and its legal landscape.

Evening Herald (Dublin) – Wednesday 22 January 1913

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