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Limerick Protestant Orphan Society Holds Annual Meeting | Limerick Archives

Limerick Protestant Orphan Society Holds Annual Meeting

Limerick – The Limerick Protestant Orphan Society convened its annual meeting at the Diocesan Hall, with the Right Rev. Dr Orpen presiding over the proceedings. The gathering marked eighty years of the society’s unwavering commitment to its mission. Reverend T. F. Abbott, B.D., the Secretary, presented the annual report, underscoring the Society’s resilience and continued success.

In the past year, the Society demonstrated financial stability with an expenditure of £442 4s. 7d., including a debtor balance. Total liabilities were reported at £318 12s 9d, compared to £355 6s. in 1911. Remarkably, the Society received £1,189 17s. 7d. from bequests during the same period. The report acknowledged the sorrowful passing of Archdeacon Gabbett and Lieutenant-Colonel Robert, both esteemed supporters of the Society.

The meeting proceeded with the Bishop’s address, emphasizing the Society’s enduring commitment to its noble cause. Attendees unanimously adopted the annual report, and routine business matters were diligently addressed. The gathering concluded with the solemn Benediction, underscoring the collective dedication to the Society’s philanthropic endeavours.

The Limerick Protestant Orphan Society, founded eight decades ago, has maintained its vitality and relevance through the years. The annual meeting served as a testament to the unwavering support from the local community, reflecting the enduring spirit of charity and compassion in Limerick.

As the Bishop highlighted the achievements and challenges faced by the Society, attendees gained insight into the financial intricacies of the organization. The meticulous breakdown of expenditures and liabilities showcased the Society’s commitment to transparency and accountability. The year-on-year comparison highlighted not only financial stability but also the strategic management of resources.

Particular emphasis was placed on the significant contributions from bequests, amounting to £1,189 17s. 7d. Such generosity from the community underscores the depth of support for the Society’s mission to care for orphaned children. The acknowledgment of the loss of prominent supporters, Archdeacon Gabbett and Lieutenant-Colonel Robert, added a sombre note to the proceedings, underscoring the profound impact these individuals had on the Society and the community at large.

The meeting also provided a platform for the Bishop to convey his thoughts on the Society’s past accomplishments and future aspirations. His address resonated with a commitment to the core values that have sustained the organization over the years. Attendees, comprised of friends and supporters of the Society, actively participated in the proceedings, reflecting the collective dedication to the cause.

The unanimous adoption of the annual report signalled not only a vote of confidence in the Society’s leadership but also a shared commitment to its continued success. The ordinary business of the meeting, conducted with efficiency and diligence, reinforced the sense of purpose that defines the Limerick Protestant Orphan Society.

In conclusion, the annual meeting of the Limerick Protestant Orphan Society was a testament to the enduring legacy of philanthropy in the region. The Society’s ability to navigate challenges and its unwavering support from the community highlight its integral role in the fabric of Limerick’s social landscape. As the meeting concluded with the Benediction, attendees left with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to continue supporting the Society’s noble mission in the years to come.

Dublin Daily Express – Friday 11 April 1913

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