In Limerick, sorrow permeates the community as news of the untimely demise of Lieutenant James O’Grady Delmege, of the Royal Irish Dragoon Guards, spreads. The young officer succumbed to gas poisoning while on duty at the front lines just a few days ago.
The sombre notification reached his father, Mr James O’Grady Delmege, D.L., via telegram on Thursday evening. Lieutenant Delmege had only recently returned home to Limerick on Friday afternoon, intending to depart for the front once more, but tragically, he was informed of the fatal outcome of the poisoning.
Lieutenant Delmege was a promising officer, having received his education at Bristol College, where he earned a scholarship, and later at Trinity College. Joining the 4th Dragoon Guards approximately two years ago, he had recently been deployed to the front lines after spending some time with the Reserve Command.
The news of his illness and subsequent passing has elicited profound regret across all strata of society in Limerick. The Limerick Harbour Board convened yesterday to unanimously extend their condolences and sympathy to Mr Delmege on the loss of his son. Additionally, before commencing racing activities at Rathkeale, stewards gathered to express their heartfelt condolences to Mr O’Grady Delmege and his family.
Dublin Daily Express – Tuesday 01 June 1915