LIMERICK – Amidst eager anticipation, the city of Limerick played host to the arrival of the 3rd Battalion Dublin Fusiliers and representatives from the Central Recruiting Committee earlier today. Accompanying them was a dedicated recruiting motor car, intended to bolster enlistment efforts in the region. However, contrary to prior official announcements, the notable absence of Sergeant O’Leary, V.C., was keenly felt by the assembled crowds.
Expectant onlookers had gathered at the train station in anticipation of Sergeant O’Leary’s arrival, only to be met with disappointment when it was revealed that he had been unavoidably detained in Cork for an extended period, casting a temporary shadow over the recruitment proceedings.
Nevertheless, the absence of one individual did little to dampen the resolve of those involved in the recruitment campaign. The Dublin Fusiliers, along with their counterparts from the Central Recruiting Committee, wasted no time in engaging with the local community, eager to encourage enlistment and bolster support for the cause.
The recruitment drive comes at a pivotal time, with the ongoing conflict necessitating a continuous influx of personnel to support military operations. Limerick, like many other cities across the nation, has been called upon to contribute its fair share to the war effort, prompting concerted recruitment initiatives to swell the ranks of the armed forces.
Despite the setback caused by Sergeant O’Leary’s absence, the enthusiasm and determination of those involved in the recruitment drive remain undiminished. Local residents have been encouraged to step forward and answer the call to service, with assurances of the vital role they can play in safeguarding the nation’s interests and securing a brighter future for all.
The presence of the recruiting motor car serves as a tangible symbol of the commitment to reaching every corner of the community in pursuit of new recruits. Its arrival on Limerick’s streets signifies a proactive approach to recruitment, ensuring that no opportunity is missed in identifying individuals willing to serve their country in its time of need.
As the campaign unfolds, organisers remain optimistic about the response from the local population, confident that Limerick will rise to the occasion and demonstrate its unwavering support for the national cause. With the Dublin Fusiliers and the Central Recruiting Committee leading the charge, there is a palpable sense of unity and purpose as the community rallies behind the call to arms.
In the days and weeks ahead, Limerick is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the course of the conflict, with each new recruit standing as a testament to the resilience and determination of the Irish people in the face of adversity. As the recruitment drive gains momentum, all eyes are firmly fixed on Limerick, where the spirit of patriotism burns bright in the hearts of its inhabitants.
Dublin Daily Express – Wednesday 14 July 1915