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Limerick County Council Commends Roman Catholic Hierarchy's Decision to Attend Convention | Limerick Archives

Limerick County Council Commends Roman Catholic Hierarchy’s Decision to Attend Convention

At a recent meeting of the Limerick County Council held on Saturday, Chairman Mr W. R. Gubbins, J.P., presided over a significant session that saw unanimous support for a resolution applauding the Roman Catholic Hierarchy of Ireland. The resolution, introduced by Mr John Coleman, J.P., and seconded by Mr J. Fitzgibbon, J.P., expressed strong commendation for the Hierarchy’s decision to participate in the forthcoming convention.

The council’s decision came after a spirited discussion, during which additional elements initially proposed in the resolution were ultimately removed, resulting in a more concise and focused statement. The final resolution, as adopted, solely highlighted the council’s approval of the Hierarchy’s unanimous resolve to be represented at the convention.

The resolution reflects the council’s recognition of the significance of the Roman Catholic Church’s role in Irish society and its involvement in important national discussions. The unanimous adoption of the resolution underscores a collective acknowledgment of the Hierarchy’s commitment to engage actively in the forthcoming convention, which is anticipated to address key issues affecting the country.

The meeting, attended by various council members, demonstrated a shared sentiment of respect and support for the Roman Catholic Hierarchy’s decision. This move is seen as a positive step towards ensuring that the voices of religious leaders are included in significant national dialogues.

The resolution marks a notable moment for the Limerick County Council, highlighting their alignment with the broader sentiments of the community regarding the Church’s involvement in pivotal national matters. As the convention approaches, the council’s endorsement adds to the growing anticipation and support for a collabourative and inclusive approach to addressing the pressing issues facing Ireland today.

Dublin Daily Express – Monday 09 July 1917

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