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Limerick Student Ordained as Priest in Brooklyn, NY | Limerick Archives

Limerick Student Ordained as Priest in Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, NY – A joyous occasion unfolded in Brooklyn as Reverend John F Cherry, a young student hailing from Limerick, was ordained as a priest on Saturday, May 28th. The ordination ceremony, presided over by the Right Reverend C. E. McDonnell, Bishop of Brooklyn, marked a significant milestone in the life of Father Cherry, the son of Mr and Mrs John Cherry of Cratloe, Co Clare.

The following morning, Father Cherry celebrated a Solemn High Mass at Port Washington, where his brother, Reverend PP J Cherry, serves as pastor. Assisting in the ceremony were his uncle, Reverend Thomas B Lowney of Marlborough, Boston, as assistant priest, and his brother as deacon. Reverend P. J. McCormack from the Diocese of Hartford acted as the sub-deacon, while Reverend P. A. Reardon served as the master of ceremonies.

During the ordination ceremony, Reverend W. E. Cashin from the Catholic University of Washington delivered a magnificent sermon on the dignity and responsibility of the priesthood. His words resonated deeply, especially when he mentioned the absence of the young priest’s parents, who were three thousand miles away in Ireland. The congregation felt a profound sense of sympathy for Father Cherry and his family on this momentous occasion.

The High Mass was attended by numerous clergymen, along with Father Cherry’s two sisters and three cousins, who are professed sisters in the Order of St Joseph. Members from the Sisters of St Joseph and the Community of the Good Shepherd were also present to celebrate the ordination.

In honour of the newly ordained priest, the Honorable W. Burke Cockran, an esteemed member of Congress and a devoted advocate for Ireland, hosted a dinner for the visiting clergymen. Mr Cockran’s splendid residence stands adjacent to the impressive new church, to which he has made enthusiastic contributions.

The news of Father Cherry’s ordination brings immense joy to his many friends in the city of Limerick. They extend their heartfelt congratulations and well wishes, praying for his success, health, and happiness as he embarks on his journey in the service of God. Father Cherry’s ordination is a testament to his dedication, commitment, and the support of his loved ones throughout his spiritual journey.

Limerick Echo – Tuesday 21 June 1904

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