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Limerick County Borough Council Implements Compulsory Education Act | Limerick Archives

Limerick County Borough Council Implements Compulsory Education Act

The County Borough Council of Limerick has officially adopted the Irish Education Act of 1892, commonly referred to as “The Compulsory Education Act.” This Act is now fully operational within the city. As per the Act’s provisions, parents and guardians are obligated to ensure that children under their care, aged between 6 and 14 years, attend school regularly. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in fines or imprisonment.

To enforce the Act, two School Attendance Officers, Mr Daniel J. Fitz Gerald and Mr Alphonsus J. O’Halloran, have been appointed. These officers have been given clear instructions to report any instances in their respective districts where children are not attending school regularly or are not being sent to school at all. The School Attendance Committee will review these reports, and if necessary, legal action will be taken against parents or guardians found to be in violation of the Act.

Parents and guardians are urged to take note of their responsibilities under the Compulsory Education Act and ensure that children within their care attend school as required. This measure aims to improve overall educational attainment and ensure that children receive the necessary education for their development.

By order of the County Borough Council,
W. M. Nolan,
Town Clerk and Secretary to the School Attendance Committee.
Dated this 22nd day of August 1904.

Limerick Echo – Tuesday 06 September 1904

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