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Warm Reception for English Labour Members in Limerick | Limerick Archives

Warm Reception for English Labour Members in Limerick

Limerick had the honour of extending a warm welcome to two esteemed English Labour Members, Mr J. Keir Hardie, representing Merthyr-Tydfil, and Mr J.N. Barnes, a representative of one of the divisions of Glasgow. The visit took place on Friday night as they arrived by the 9:25 p.m. train from Killarney. This visit came about in response to the request of their constituents, who wished them to gain firsthand insights into the prevailing conditions in Ireland.

Upon their arrival, the Mayor of Limerick, Alderman Joyce, greeted them, and in attendance were several members of the Corporation, including Patrick Bourke, James F. Barry, W.G. Peacocke, G. MacDonagh, and John Kerr. The esteemed visitors found lodging at Cruise’s Hotel, where an hour was spent in a casual and convivial gathering. During this gathering, Mr Keir Hardie shared his experiences of working alongside 150 comrades, many of whom were Irishmen, in the coal mines. He recounted his affiliation with the Irish National League in 1879 and his unwavering commitment to Home Rule throughout his life. His recent visit had only reinforced his belief in the necessity of Home Rule for Ireland. Mr Barnes added his perspective, emphasizing that Ireland’s salvation and the upliftment of its people lay in the pursuit of greater self-governance and responsibility.

Their brief sojourn in Limerick concluded as they departed on Saturday morning, leaving behind an impression of camaraderie and shared understanding between the English Labour representatives and the Irish community.

Limerick Echo – Tuesday 06 February 1906

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