During the recent meeting of the Corporation, a letter was presented that carried a note of appreciation and support for Mr Patrick Bourke, a prominent figure in the community. The letter, authored by the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners St. Limerick Branch, addressed an allegation that had been raised in a previous meeting regarding Mr Bourke’s employment practices.
The society’s member had raised concerns that Mr Bourke exclusively employed young apprentices, potentially limiting employment opportunities for more experienced workers. In response to this allegation, the following resolution was passed: “We, the members of the above branch, heartily congratulate Mr Bourke and extend our warmest thanks to him for providing employment to the sons of our members, thereby preventing them from falling into idleness and potential recruitment into the army. It is important to note that the wages offered by Mr Bourke are equitable with any others in the city.”
This commendation reflects the commitment of Mr Bourke towards nurturing local talent and investing in the community by offering opportunities to young individuals, thus keeping them engaged in productive endeavours. The letter also highlights the competitive compensation provided by Mr Bourke, ensuring fair remuneration for the workers.
Limerick Echo – Tuesday 27 March 1906