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County Limerick Evicted Tenants' Association Advocates Relief and Restoration | Limerick Archives

County Limerick Evicted Tenants’ Association Advocates Relief and Restoration

The County Limerick Evicted Tenants’ Association convened a significant meeting on Saturday at the Town Hall, with Mr W. H. Levers presiding. The gathering focused on addressing the plight of evicted tenants and discussing ways to engage with the new government administration.

Mr John Molony, the Honorary Secretary, began the proceedings by presenting various correspondence initiatives undertaken by the association. He informed the attendees that he had corresponded with the Chief Secretary and the Bishop of Waterford, aiming to bring the challenges faced by evicted tenants to their attention. Despite previous efforts with a different administration, the association expressed hope that the new government’s amiable disposition would lead to a more receptive approach.

The association highlighted that with the change in government, the restrictions previously placed on the Estates Commissioners had been lifted. They viewed this as an opportunity for the administration to demonstrate its commitment to addressing the dire circumstances of evicted tenants. The association passed resolutions unanimously, advocating for prompt action.

Among the resolutions, Mr Molony proposed that the Estates Commissioners be urged to promptly administer the law in a robust manner. The association acknowledged the urgent state of evicted tenants and stressed the need for immediate relief. They called for the appointment of an inspector to assess and address the situation of Michael Power, an evicted tenant on the Croker property, whose case required intervention.

The association also pressed the Estates Commissioners to fulfill a promise made over a year ago to evicted tenants. The promise pertained to the allocation of portions of the Mount Shannon estate by May 1st, offering a means of sustenance to tenants who were struggling in dire circumstances.

During the meeting, discussions revolved around the cases of various members, addressing their individual situations. Following the productive deliberations, another resolution was passed. This resolution requested that the Estates Commissioners refrain from considering a property as a separate estate until previously vacant lands were distributed for the betterment of the local community at a fair price.

The County Limerick Evicted Tenants’ Association demonstrated its commitment to advocating for the restoration and support of evicted tenants, seizing the opportunity presented by the change in government leadership. The meeting highlighted their determination to bring immediate relief to those in dire straits and ensure that commitments were upheld for the betterment of their circumstances.

Limerick Echo – Tuesday 27 March 1906

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