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Conversation Overheard in the Limerick Street: Dooley and Murphy (With Apologies to Finley Peter Dunne) | Limerick Archives

Conversation Overheard in the Limerick Street: Dooley and Murphy (With Apologies to Finley Peter Dunne)

Dooley: Did ye hear the news?

Murphy: What news?

Dooley: About the “e’ Liberry, —it is finished.

Murphy: Sure, I knew that a month ago.

Dooley: And did ye hear when it is to be opened?

Murphy: No.

Dooley: Well, it is to be opened on the 12th July next, by his Lordship, Lord Aberdeen, our new annointed Leftenant.

Murphy: And why the 12th of July?

Dooley: Well, that day is generally a very warm July in the North; they celebrate and honour the memory of the immortal Billy, and the battle of the “Boine.”

Murphy: What has that to do with Limerick?

Dooley: We are going to celebrate it also, to show there is no ill feeling.

Murphy: And what does Alderman D—-y say about it?

Dooley: Sure he says “We may as well accept the inevitable, and that it is now time to throw up the sponge, or the gun and become wise.”

Murphy: And are they to have any band?

Dooley: Well, they say the fighting fifi are engaged to play a selection of Irish music.

Murphy: But sure there will be no fighting?

Dooley: No, if the Lord Leftenant does not come.

Murphy: And what about the museum?

Dooley: That is to be opened too.

Murphy: And what will it contain?

Dooley: Well, it will contain many things of interest, and the Library Committee are going to get a curator.

Murphy: An incubator?

Dooley: No, you stupid, a curator.

Murphy: Will it be alive, or sealed up in a glass case?

Dooley: It will be alive, and he will explain all the curios to intelligent persons like you and me.

Murphy: But he might not know the names of all the curios?

Dooley: Oh yes, he will, and he will also know Latin, French, Irish, Irish Antiquities, Irish History, Bibliography, Freehand Drawing, and he must be able to read and write.

Murphy: So, he will be a walking encyclopedia.

Dooley: What is that?

Murphy: Well, one of them things that they pay 2s 6d down for and keep paying 2s 6d a week regularly until the day of general judgment; the curator will, in fact, be a walking curiosity.

Dooley: And canvassing for the job will disqualify.

Murphy: Yes, but sure all the members have been canvassed already.

Dooley: And why must he know Latin?

Murphy: Well, if he does not remember the names of some of the curios, he can say something in Latin instead.

Dooley: Will there be any christening ceremony?

Murphy: What do you mean?

Dooley: I mean will they wet the job?

Murphy: I have heard the Mayor is to give a grand champagne supper after the opening ceremony and that his Honor Dick A——m’s is to preside.

Dooley: Well, I only hope two invitations will come our way.


Limerick Echo – Tuesday 19 June 1906

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