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The Most Spirited Home Rule Speech | Limerick Archives

The Most Spirited Home Rule Speech

Perhaps one of the most spirited speeches on the subject of Home Rule in recent memory was delivered by his Eminence Cardinal Logue on Sunday. He delivered this address while responding to greetings following the opening ceremony of a new church in Ballymahoo, County Longford.

In his address, his Eminence emphasized a crucial fact: that contrary to expectations and predictions, the Irish people have demonstrated their capability to efficiently and economically manage their own affairs to the extent permitted by the limited self-government they currently possess. The gradual and grudging manner in which concessions have been granted to the Irish people is widely acknowledged. If Ireland had been granted a larger measure of its constitutional rights two or three decades ago, the country’s landscape today would look markedly different, with peace, prosperity, and contentment prevailing where there once was strife and oppression.

Cardinal Logue called attention to Macaulay’s condemnation of the doctrine that the ruled must learn how to use their liberty before they receive it, asserting that the readiest way to teach people to use liberty properly is by giving it to them. The reluctance or inability of English authorities to embrace this simple yet profound principle has led to years of turmoil and suffering for the Irish people. It has left an indelible mark of servitude on their spirits.

Cardinal Logue reiterated that England’s connection with Ireland has, and continues to be, one of exploitation and injustice. He provided several examples of this unjust treatment, including the recent actions of the Treasury concerning the Equivalent Grant, which was originally intended for education but was diverted to railways and used to entice landlords to sell their land.

The only remedy for Ireland, Cardinal Logue declared, is Home Rule. It is indeed the sole solution, one that must and will come. Let us hope that this remedy is closer than we anticipate.

Limerick Echo – Tuesday 28 August 1906

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