In a significant gathering that took place at Limerick Town Hall, the Town Tenants Association held a meeting presided over by Mr Mathew McInerney. The meeting brought together committees representing various wards and divisions, marking an important moment for the association’s members and their ongoing efforts to address issues facing urban tenants in the city.
The meeting, which took place on a Friday evening, was characterized by the election of four delegates tasked with representing the Town Tenants Association at an upcoming convention in Dublin. Additionally, the assembly appointed deputations to engage with several local authorities and institutions, highlighting the association’s commitment to advocating for the interests of town tenants in Limerick.
The delegates selected to attend the convention in Dublin were Mr Michael Cuddihy and Mr Patrick Collins. Their role would be crucial in representing the concerns and priorities of Limerick’s town tenants at a broader, national level.
In addition to the Dublin convention, deputations were formed to engage with key local entities. These included the Limerick Corporation, District Councils, Board of Guardians, and the Mechanics’ Institute. The members appointed to these deputations were Mr Patrick Markham, Mr John Crowe, Mr Patrick Stapleton, and Mr P. Molloy, who served as the association’s secretary.
One of the central items on the meeting’s agenda was the membership count, reflecting the association’s reach and influence among town tenants in Limerick. The secretary, Mr P. Molloy, presented the numbers of membership cards issued to ward secretaries, offering a snapshot of the association’s strength and outreach in various parts of the city.
The membership counts by ward were as follows:
- Abbey Ward: 110 members
- Castle Ward: 67 members
- Customhouse Ward: 20 members
- Dock Ward: 55 members
- Inishtown Ward: 63 members
- Market Ward: 31 members
In total, the Town Tenants Association boasted a membership of 351 individuals, underscoring its significance as a collective voice for town tenants in Limerick.
A pivotal moment in the meeting occurred when Mr U’Counell proposed, seconded by Mr U’Grady, and passed unanimously, a resolution that would shape the association’s structure and decision-making. The resolution read: “That the chairperson, treasurer, and secretary of each ward division, along with the president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and assistant secretary of the Central or Limerick Branch, do act as the Executive Committee for the city.”
This resolution marked a significant step in streamlining the association’s leadership and decision-making processes, ensuring that all ward divisions and the central branch would collabourate effectively in pursuing the association’s objectives.
The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks extended to Mr Mathew McInerney, the presiding chairperson, for his leadership and guidance during the gathering. It was a moment of unity and recognition of the collective efforts of the Town Tenants Association in addressing the concerns and needs of urban tenants in Limerick.
The Town Tenants Association’s gathering at Limerick Town Hall demonstrated its commitment to advocating for the interests of town tenants and creating a platform for dialogue and action. As the association continued to grow and engage with both local and national authorities, it remained a vital force in the ongoing discussions surrounding tenant rights and urban living conditions in the city.
Limerick Echo – Tuesday 07 August 1906