LIMERICK, Wednesday — The ancient Cathedral of St. Flannan in Killaloe served as the backdrop for a momentous occasion today, as the Right Rev. I. Sterling Berry, D.D., was officially enthroned as the Bishop of Killaloe in a dignified ceremony. The venerable cathedral, steeped in history, welcomed a sizable congregation that gathered to witness the induction of the esteemed clergyman.
The solemn event saw a distinguished assembly of clergy, including the Very Rev. Robert Humphreys, the Dean of Killaloe, Ven. L. O’Sullivan, the Archdeacon of Killaloo, Precentor Stanistreet, Chancellor Gillespie, Canons Hemphill, Archdale, Birch, Leo, and Armstrong, accompanied by several other reverends. The service commenced with the Dean leading special prayers crafted for the significant occasion.
Mr M. G. S. Welsh, the Diocesan Registrar, played a crucial role, presenting the Dean with the mandate from the Archbishop of Dublin and Metropolitan for the Enthronement of the Bishop. Following this, the newly appointed Bishop solemnly declared his commitment to impartial and faithful governance of the Bishopric, ensuring the adherence to ordinances, rights, and liberties within the Cathedral Church and Diocese.
Guided by the Dean, the Bishop ascended the steps to the throne, and with a supportive gesture, the Installation form was read, followed by the blessing. Moving to his stall, the Bishop engaged in a moment of silent prayer, marking the transition to the customary evensong service led by Precentor Stanistreet and Canon Hemphill.
Chancellor Gillespie eloquently read the first Lesson, sourced from Isaiah vi., 1-8, while the second, from Ephesians iv., chapters 1 to 13, was delivered with gravitas by the Archdeacon of Killaloe. Taking to the pulpit, the Bishop delivered a powerful sermon centred on the theme of ‘Fellow-workers with God.’ As the service drew to a close, the Bishop pronounced the Benediction, and the certificate of Installation was formally signed in the vestry.
This sacred ceremony marked a profound moment for the diocese, signifying the official commencement of Right Rev. I. Sterling Berry’s tenure as the Bishop of Killaloe. The responsibilities and privileges that accompany this esteemed position were solemnly embraced, underscoring the gravity of the occasion. The Cathedral of St. Flannan, with its rich history, stood witness to this historic event, adding another chapter to its storied legacy.
Dublin Daily Express – Thursday 10 April 1913