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"Irish Unity Prevails: Resolute Support for Redmond's Strategy Amidst Home Rule Controversy" | Limerick Archives

“Irish Unity Prevails: Resolute Support for Redmond’s Strategy Amidst Home Rule Controversy”

In a resounding display of unity and steadfast commitment to the Irish cause, the West Limerick United Irish League has expressed wholehearted approval and unwavering support for Mr Redmond and the Irish Party in the face of a challenging political landscape. The resolutions passed at the annual meeting on March 20th underscore the resolve of the league’s members to continue the fight for Ireland’s sovereignty and the establishment of a National Parliament.

The West Limerick Executive U.I.L. gathered for their annual convention, with 35 branches in full representation. The Rev. E. Fitzgerald, C.C., proposed the resolutions, highlighting the critical role played by Mr Redmond and his parliamentary colleagues during a period of intense political uncertainty.

The first resolution emphasized the league’s dedication to Mr Redmond and the Irish Party, recognizing their efforts in the ongoing struggle for Ireland’s final and complete victory. It articulated a collective desire to witness the opening of the National Parliament, signalling the resurgence of Ireland as a united and sovereign nation.

Acknowledging the complexities of the recent past, the resolution commended Mr Redmond and his colleagues for navigating a serious situation that threatened to unravel their hard-earned progress and jeopardize the cherished hopes of the Irish people. The league members believed that the course of action taken by the Liberal Party, under Mr Redmond’s leadership, was the most prudent and beneficial for the long-term welfare of the country.

Expressing a clear stance on the contentious issue of Ulster, the second resolution affirmed the league’s preference for the current offer over any compromise that could undermine the fundamental principles of Home Rule. The members rejected concessions or protections that could perpetuate inequalities among different classes of Irish citizens, emphasizing their commitment to a united and self-governing nation.

In a bold declaration, the resolution dismissed concerns about the temporary exclusion of Ulster, viewing it as a preferable alternative to a compromise that could divide or mutilate the nation. The league believed that the present offer, as articulated in the Home Rule Bill, struck a balance that preserved the integrity of Ireland while addressing the concerns of different factions.

The resolutions expressed gratitude to the Nationalists of Ulster for their trust in the leadership of Mr Redmond and their acceptance of the exclusion clause. The league commended Ulster’s display of patriotism and self-sacrifice, seeing it as a crucial step towards the common goal of making Ireland a united and independent nation.

John O’Shaughnessy, the Honorary Secretary, reiterated the league’s confidence in the Irish Party’s assurance that the last word had been spoken on the Home Rule controversy. The members welcomed the commitment that there would be no further concessions, privileges, or protections beyond what was outlined in the present Home Rule Bill.

The resolutions echoed a sentiment of hope and determination, with the league expressing gladness at the prospect of putting the Home Rule controversy behind them. The unity displayed in West Limerick sent a powerful message of solidarity, signalling to the nation that, despite challenges and uncertainties, the Irish people remained resolute in their pursuit of a united and sovereign Ireland.

Weekly Freeman’s Journal – Saturday 11 April 1914

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