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Invitation for Tenders: Administrative County of Limerick | Limerick Archives

Invitation for Tenders: Administrative County of Limerick

The Administrative County of Limerick, on behalf of the County, extends an invitation for the submission of tenders for the specified works detailed in the attached Schedule. Interested parties are invited to participate, provided they meet the following stipulations:

  1. Each tender must bear the signature of the individual making the submission.
  2. The tender document must be securely enclosed within a sealed envelope, distinctly marked as “Tender.”
  3. The tender document must include the following particulars:
    a) The lowest amount for which the tenderer is prepared to undertake the work.
    b) The name, description, and address of the party submitting the tender.
    c) The names, addresses, and descriptions of two solvent individuals willing to serve as sureties, thereby guaranteeing the satisfactory completion of the contract. The bond should be equivalent to twice the sum indicated in the tender.

Comprehensive specifications for the diverse works can be acquired from the office of the Secretary to the County Council, situated at 82 George Street, Limerick. The necessary documentation for tender submission is also available at this location.

It is imperative that all tenders are deposited into the designated tender box no later than 4 o’clock pm on Thursday, January 7, 1904. The County Council shall duly consider all tenders at 11 o’clock am on Saturday, January 9, 1904.

This notice is issued by authority of the County Council.


Secretary, County Council.

Limerick Echo – Tuesday 05 January 1904

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