Builders with proven expertise are invited to submit tenders for the construction of the Gerald Griffin Memorial Schools. This project encompasses the expansion and enhancement of the existing Christian Brothers’ schools located on Bridge Street in Limerick. Interested parties are urged to engage with the plans and specifications, prepared by Architect Joseph O’Malley, BE. A copy of these plans can be examined in the presence of Brother M.A. Nolan at the Sexton Street Schools or directly with the Architect, commencing on Monday, 23rd inst.
Tenders must be submitted by no later than 12 o’clock on Monday, 30th inst, and should be delivered to the Reverend Superior. It is important to note that the lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.
For further details and to obtain a full set of instructions, please contact the Rev Superior.
Limerick Echo – Tuesday 17 April 1906