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Landmark Ruling in Stradbally Castle Rent Dispute | Limerick Archives

Landmark Ruling in Stradbally Castle Rent Dispute

In a significant legal development, the Chief Justice, Mr Justice Madden, and Mr Justice Wright concluded the protracted legal battle in the case of Dwyer v. Stoney at the King’s Bench. The defendant, Mr Thomas Johnstone Stoney of Stradbally Castleconnell, Co. Limerick, sought an order directing the set aside of the judgment entered by Mr Justice Dodd in favour of the plaintiff, Miss Emily Bligh Dwyer, amounting to £292 19s., along with costs. The core of the dispute revolved around the recovery of £306 11s. Related to the rent for the lands of Stradbally and Woodpark.

The courtroom atmosphere was charged as legal representatives presented arguments on behalf of the defendant, emphasizing the need to overturn the previous judgment. Mr Stoney’s legal team contended that the circumstances of the rent dispute warranted a reevaluation of the case. However, the Court, after careful consideration, ultimately dismissed the application, leaving the original judgment in place.

This ruling marks the conclusion of a complex legal saga that has unfolded in the halls of justice, bringing closure to the dispute over the rent obligations for the lands of Stradbally and Woodpark. As the legal proceedings wrap up, the impact of this decision will resonate through the involved parties and the broader legal landscape in Limerick.

Dublin Daily Express – Thursday 03 February 1910

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