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Scenes in Limerick: Hostile Demonstration Follows Release of Imprisoned Solicitor | Limerick Archives

Scenes in Limerick: Hostile Demonstration Follows Release of Imprisoned Solicitor

Tensions flared in Limerick last night following the return of Mr H. O’B. Moran, a solicitor, who had spent two months incarcerated in Dublin for a breach of the Realm Act. Moran’s arrival became the focal point for a hostile demonstration directed against the Constabulary, escalating into a clash between the authorities and the protesting crowd.

Upon Moran’s return, he was triumphantly chaired home by supporters, marking his release from confinement. Subsequently, a throng of several hundred individuals flooded onto William Street, their fervent cheers echoing through the evening air. However, the mood quickly soured as the demonstration took a confrontational turn.

Amidst the fervour, some members of the crowd engaged in aggressive actions, hurling stones at the Constabulary and pursuing them through the streets. The barrack gate became a target, subjected to a barrage of projectiles in a tumultuous display of discontent.

In response to the escalating situation, the authorities attempted to restore order, resulting in a charged confrontation. During the tumult, two constables sustained injuries from the hail of stones, while reports indicated that shots were fired by some demonstrators, further heightening the intensity of the clash.

Despite the chaos, no arrests were made as the situation gradually de-escalated, with the dispersal of the crowd marking the conclusion of the turbulent events.

The demonstration underscores the simmering tensions and heightened emotions prevalent within the community, reflecting broader sentiments of dissent and discontent against the prevailing authorities.

Evening Herald (Dublin) – Saturday 24 March 1917

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